EXAMPLE PROJECTSChehalis Basin Mitigation Bank
Garrett Creek Mitigation Bank Yoncalla Creek Mitigation Bank City of Portland Mitigation Bank Market Assessments Wapato Valley Mitigation and Conservation Bank Wetland Support |
Cascade staff delineate wetlands and streams, perform functions assessments and other analysis, and develop permit applications for federal, state, and local aquatic resources as a foundational part of what we do. We have delineated hundreds of wetlands, miles of streams, and identified locally regulated resources across the northwest. Because so much or our work involves aquatic resource mitigation or voluntary restoration, we commonly work with highly altered sites like dams, dikes, levees and channelized streams, under a high degree of agency oversight. We have extensive experience in applying approved methods, such as the Oregon Rapid Wetland Assessment Protocol, Oregon’s Stream Function Assessment Model, or the Washington Wetland Rating System, and interpreting or adjusting those methods for use on highly disturbed sites.
Our permit applications are routinely approved with little need for clarification, and we frequently receive positive feedback from permitting agencies. Our staff include regulatory experts and a senior engineer who is CESCL certified in both Oregon and Washington who develops water quality management and monitoring plans for Oregon DEQ, Washington Department of Ecology construction (NPDES) and clean water (CWA, Section 401) approvals. |