Dahl Beach Mitigation Project is released from further monitoring. Cascade identified the site, led the design and regulatory approvals, and oversaw management and monitoring for this riverbank mitigation project at the Willamette and Clackamas River confluence. The project was designed and approved for construction within 12 months, and then released from its permit after its 5-year monitoring period was completed.
Yoncalla Creek Mitigation Bank was approved in April 2022. Cascade has led the development of this Mitigation Bank project to serve the Interior Umpqua Ecoregion, working with North Douglas Betterment, Craft3, and the Interagency Review Team. The project included gaining a “No Further Action” approval from Oregon DEQ, and approval for site design, crediting, and performance measures. Credits are now available.
Encompassing the headwaters of Newell Creek, this new 236-acre Nature Park offers a multiuse trail system for hikers, cyclists, and wildlife viewers. Cascade completed wetland and stream channel assessments that assisted Metro’s effort to design a trail network that avoids sensitive habitats. Read more here about our work to help create this beautiful new park! A new video produced by Clackamas Water Environment Services (WES) features Cascade Environmental Group staff Todd Alsbury and Simon Apostol as they perform fish sampling in Carli Creek, a tributary of the Clackamas River and the site of significant restoration efforts by WES.
Since 2018, the innovative Carli Creek Water Quality Project has been filtering harmful pollutants from stormwater runoff from surrounding industrial properties before it reaches Carli Creek and the Clackamas River. In addition to surveying the restored stream for native fish species, Cascade has been assisting WES in monitoring the wetland treatment cells and riparian areas for compliance with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Oregon Department of State Lands permits and mitigation performance standards. Cascade has teamed with Mosaic Ecology on this project, Mosaic is maintaining the site to ensure the site achieves the native plant cover goals. Cascade is celebrating 10 years of working in the Pacific Northwest with our valued clients and project partners! During these years we have developed many deep, collaborative relationships to complete projects that are meaningful and lasting.
We thank all our clients and teaming partners for their contributions to our success—it’s been a great 10 years, and we look forward to all that the future holds for Cascade and our friends! Cascade Facilitates Molalla River Watershed Drinking Water Protection Plan-Community Presentation5/22/2020
John Runyon recently conducted an online presentation and listening session with the Clackamas SWCD about the Molalla River Drinking Water Quality Assessment and Source Protection Community Plan. The goal of the project is to keep the community's water supply clean and of high quality for drinking, both now and into the future. The SWCD seeks to gather a broad range of input on issues or concerns related to drinking water source quality in the Molalla River and will use the assessment and resulting plan to ask funders to invest in the Molalla basin to accomplish this goal.
The presentation was well attended, with over 30 participants, and included great discussion about the long term protection of drinking water source quality. You can watch a recording of the presentation here and provide input on the feedback page. Cascade is assisting the Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe with the design of a 523-acre wetland mitigation bank located in Pacific County, Washington. The proposal currently involves restoring historic tidal, estuarine processes to freshwater wetland areas; providing a self-sustaining tidal estuarine wetland and slough complex that will not require maintenance; and improving hydrologic, water quality, and habitat functions.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Washington Department of Ecology are considering the proposal and are soliciting comments from interested parties to help identify aspects of the project that should be addressed during the review process. To see the Public Notice and associated prospectus, including information on how to submit comments, go to Ecology's Wetland Mitigation Banking Public Notice web page by May 2, 2020. We are excited to announce that our team of Cascade, Waterways, and Brown and Caldwell has won the BES contract for on-call Watershed services. We're pleased to continue our work for BES.
Cascade, along with Mosaic Ecology, recently won the Carli Creek Permit Compliance and Maintenance contract for Clackamas County Water Environment Services. Visit the project website for more information.
Cascade recently assisted the Hopkins Demonstration Forest staff with overseeing volunteers who installed over 900 plants at the amphibian pond site. Emergent wetland, scrub-shrub, willow, and riparian upland plants were planted on a beautiful sunny Sunday.
We were excited to see that the site is already home to at least 14 red-legged frog egg masses, and several rough-skinned newts. |
June 2022